Jan Brooke Environmental Consultant Ltd.‏

Climate Change Adaptation


Climate change will affect existing infrastructure, ongoing activities, and the design and management of new developments. Over recent years, Jan’s work has increasingly focused on the need to increase resilience and to adapt port and navigation infrastructure and operations to the projected effects of climate change.

Jan Brooke Environmental Consultant Ltd. provides advice and support to help clients determine how climate change is likely to affect their activities, their operations or their planned future projects. The company can advise on the nature and scale of projected change; on the potential business risks; on the range of solutions available at project, organisation or strategic level as required; and on when adaptation action is likely to be needed.

An improved understanding of climate change can sometimes bring surprises, so both physical (structural) and management or operational (non-structural) interventions are usually considered.

Jan’s own experience in this rapidly evolving discipline ranges from providing advice on climate change adaptation planning to individual UK ports, through participation at EU level in activities such as the Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy Climate Change activity, to coordinating the international Navigating a Changing Climate Initiative in preparation for and following on from the seminal COP21 Paris meeting.

Click here to see examples of Jan’s work on climate change adaptation.

Jan Brooke Environmental Consultant Ltd.
Contact: telephone +44 (0) 1778 345 979

Registered Company UK No.04600187
e-mail jan@janbrooke.co.uk